Thorne Vitamin D-5000 Review

Thorne Vitamin D-5000
When it comes to immune-boosting supplements, vitamin D is another big contender. Thorne’s vitamin D supplement contains vitamin D3, which the body may absorb better than vitamin D2. The NSF Certified for Sport supplement contains a potent 5,000 IU of high-quality vitamin D to promote immune function and healthy teeth and bones.
Thorne consistently produces high-quality supplements. However, if you need to take multiple different supplements, the price can quickly stack up.
Vitamin D is an essential part of your immune-strengthening toolkit. In the winter months, when you don’t produce as much vitamin D naturally, it can take a toll on your immune function. The vitamin D supplement is potent and easily absorbed to help maintain the optimal level of vitamin D.
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Vitamin D is an essential part of your immune-strengthening toolkit. In the winter months, when you don’t produce as much vitamin D naturally, it can take a toll on your immune function.