Top Five Brown Rice Protein Powders

NOW Sports Nutrition Sprouted Brown Rice Protein
NOW’s brown rice powder is a great alternative for those suffering from low lactose tolerance. In addition to its affordable price, when paired with other protein powder sources, it can help give you an extra boost of nutrition.
The biggest complaint by consumers on this brown rice protein powder is the taste. Therefore, this is not the type of protein powder that you should mix with water by itself, because you will be disappointed.
NOW offers a relatively standard brown rice protein option. Its combination of nutritional value and affordable price make up for its bitter taste.

NAKED RICE Organic Brown Rice Protein Powder
NAKED is known for providing consumers with products that have relatively high amounts of organic material in comparison to its competition. Since it has no extra additives, it is safe for those that want to have a guilt-free protein powder experience. In addition, it mixes well with drinks, so it can be a great add-on to your smoothies and beverages.
The price is the biggest pitfall for this brand of brown rice protein powder. Despite being an excellent veggie protein source, it does cost more than some of the other options, at around $74.99 for five pounds of powder.
NAKED RICE protein powder is about as organic as it gets. So, if you are in the market for a natural protein powder that has no secret additives, this might be for you. But be ready to drop some extra coin for this brand.

Zen Principle Brown Rice Protein
Like the NAKED brand, Zen Principle also offers an organic brown rice protein powder option. Coming in at 26 grams of protein per serving and only $37.95, this protein powder definitely gives you a lot of bang for your buck. Each serving is packed full of protein. If you are someone who performs high-energy tasks throughout the day, this might be the brown rice protein powder for you.
The texture is fairly grainy. Consequently, Zen Principle's brown rice protein does not mix well into smoothies, drinks, and baked goods.
Zen Principle's brown rice protein powder offers one of the more protein-dense protein powders options at a pretty fair price. Just keep in mind that this option might need extra attention when trying to include it in your regular meals.

Judee’s Gluten Free Brown Rice Protein Powder
Another plant-based protein powder option is Judee's Gluten-Free brown rice protein powder. This protein's fine texture and tastelessness makes it a crowd favorite. Besides being keto-friendly, it is also low in calories.
Consumers have mentioned that the consumption of the protein powder mix has caused bloating, so keep that in mind.
It’s a great keto option, but bloating might be an extra unwanted effect of this brown rice protein powder type.

MYVEGAN Brown Rice Protein
The most significant difference in MYVEGAN's protein powder is its mixability. Its texture is able to seamlessly blend into baked goods, snacks, and drinks with no problem. Also, in terms of price in this category, this option has one of the best values.
A good amount of customers complain about the taste, mentioning that it has a bitter flavor. So you might have to include a lot of additives to mask the flavor.
MYVEGAN's protein powder has high solubility. But depending on how much protein you need, you might want to choose a different option because the taste might be a deterrent.
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How to Make Brown Rice Protein Powder
Brown rice protein powder is a great veggie protein source. It’s made by extracting brown rice and treating it with enzymes to produce a quality protein powder. This simple yet effective method contributes to its high protein content. Although rice bran allergies do exist, they’re rare compared to wheat and other allergies. Your body can absorb rice protein relatively quickly, and its plain taste makes it a versatile addition to any meal.
Brown Rice Protein Content
A cup of brown rice on average contains 5.54 grams of protein. As a supplement, this plant-based protein powder is a better choice than white rice, which contains 4.43 grams of protein per cup. In addition, unlike its counterpart, brown rice is rice that has not been hulled. Therefore, brown rice contains the bran, germ, and endosperm components of the rice. Each layer of rice gives the brown rice protein a nutritional upper hand in comparison to white rice.
On the topic of nutritional content, it must be noted that brown rice does not contain all essential amino acids (i.e., amino acids not produced by the body). In that sense, brown rice falls short compared to non-vegan alternatives, which can possess all nine essential amino acids.
Brown Rice Protein Powder Benefits
There are many types of protein powders, but brown rice protein is unique. This is because is able to help with digestive flow partly due to its makeup. In addition, it is non-allergenic and gluten-free. This is a great nutrition tip for people who suffer from gluten or other intolerances. Nevertheless, if brown rice protein powder does not satisfy you, other vegan plant-based protein powders or foods such as tempeh might be a good option. It’s all about what protein source can best fit your needs. I encourage you to explore until you find your perfect match.