Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Review

Photo credit: Amazon
Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Bragg’s Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is a trusted brand at a reasonable price. Apple cider vinegar, or ACV, has a long and versatile history as a food additive, cleaning agent, and as a traditional health remedy. There are many proven apple cider benefits, and there is evidence it may help with diabetes, obesity, and some forms of cancer. It has also been shown to help reduce belly bloat. This bottle of ACV is raw and unfiltered, meaning that it is one of the more natural, organic options available.
Apple cider vinegar is an acid and must be used carefully to avoid damage to the skin, teeth, mouth, or throat. And despite the benefits, some of the alleged science behind apple cider vinegar isn’t strong. Depending on the quantity purchased, it may be cheaper to drive to the store to get your first bottle of Bragg’s ACV before making a larger purchase online.
Apple Cider Vinegar probably won’t hurt you if used in moderation, and it has many uses around the home. There are several proven benefits from its use, and other possible benefits that are harder to prove. If you want to give it a try, Bragg’s is a trusted brand.
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The Skinny on Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar
If you’re sold on the potential benefits of apple cider vinegar (ACV), then Bragg’s is a great choice. Their brand is well-trusted by health-conscious people everywhere. But, how did people discover the benefits of ACV, and how else can this product be used? Keep reading to find out.
The History of Apple Cider Vinegar
Vinegar has been used for thousands of years as a traditional folk remedy.

The earliest recorded uses of vinegar come from more than 7,000 years ago when ancient Babylonians used it as a food and preservative. Alcoholic beverages naturally transform into vinegar when exposed to air, so it is safe to assume humanity has had knowledge of and exposure to vinegar for more than 11,000 years, before the advent of agriculture or civilization.
In the Roman Empire, vinegar was used widely, and some believe that soldiers and people of lower classes enjoyed a drink made out of vinegar and water called posca. It is even mentioned several times in the Bible and was offered to Jesus to drink during the crucifixion.
The modern era led to a vast increase in the use of vinegar. The Orleans Process made the mass production of vinegar possible. By the 18th century, apple cider had become a popular source of vinegar, and in America, 10% of farms made apple cider vinegar—which was not only used in a variety of ways but was also about three times as profitable as the cider itself.
Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits
Bragg brand Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is unfiltered, unheated, and unpasteurized. It is also Kosher Certified and gluten-free. Bragg only uses certified non-GMO ingredients that are organically grown under the supervision of the California State Organic Program and is in full compliance with the California Organic Foods Act of 1990. Bragg’s quality control standards ensure the Mycoderma aceti, or Mother of Vinegar, remains intact and unharmed. This is the slimy membrane composed of yeast and bacterial cells that you might find on the surface of alcoholic liquids undergoing acetous fermentation. It is added to wine or cider to produce vinegar, and consuming it may possibly help lower your hair’s pH to combat dryness.
In order to get consistent results, you have to use a consistent product. If you use Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar, you are using a reliable, high-quality supply with consistent acidity, color, and flavor, ensuring predictable results every time. Bragg is considered by many to be the most trusted name in apple cider vinegar.
Even though vinegar has been a part of human life for millennia, the list of possible uses and benefits continues to grow. The list of historical and modern uses includes:
- Food preservation and pickling
- Flavor enhancement
- Energy drink
- Wound healing
- Cough and cold remedy
- Antiseptic agent
- Protection from rust
- Weight loss
- Haircare
- Skincare
It is important to remember that just because vinegar was used effectively in the past doesn’t mean it is the best solution to your problems. Only you can decide what is best, through careful research of the benefits, and of the alternatives.
Apple Cider Vinegar is Being Studied by Scientists
The modern era has allowed vinegar to be analyzed in unprecedented ways, and we can benefit from what scientists have to offer on the subject.
Japanese scientists are studying apple cider vinegar for weight loss, and there is evidence it may especially help obese patients.
The cloudy “mother” portion of the vinegar has probiotics that may promote gut health, and it may help people with type-2 diabetics control their blood sugar and insulin.
Apple cider vinegar contains polyphenols, which in the lab have shown promise in killing cancerous cells, but further study is necessary to know if vinegar can be effective in the fight against cancer.
When vinegar was fed to hypertensive rats, they showed a decrease in the enzyme renin, which resulted in an overall lowering of blood pressure. This hasn’t, however, been demonstrated in humans quite yet.
Vinegar causes the stomach to empty slower, which may give you a sense of fullness and help suppress your appetite. This can have a negative impact on type-1 diabetics, as the slower digestion of food makes it more difficult for them to control their blood sugar levels.
Apple cider vinegar can impair muscle and nerve conduction by lowering potassium levels and can interfere with certain medications for your heart, diabetes, laxatives, and diuretics, so if you are planning on using vinegar to help with medical ailments, you should consult with your physician or health care provider.
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a powerful acid, so it’s important to be careful and use only trustworthy sources in order to avoid injury or harmful side effects. Here are a few suggestions on how to get started:
- When apple cider vinegar is taken orally, it should be diluted before drinking. If you replace your high-fat salad dressings with an oil and vinegar preparation, you will not only receive the benefits from the vinegar; you will also be decreasing your intake of saturated fats.
- When used on the skin, vinegar should be mixed with one cup of water per tablespoon. If used undiluted, the acid is strong enough to cause burns and irritation, so it is best used under the advice and care of a dermatologist. Avoid contact with the eyes, ears, or mucous membranes.
- Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a hair rinse or in homemade hair care products. Science has shown that alkaline hair care products damage the hair and scalp. By using apple cider vinegar as a rinse, you can lower the pH of your hair and scalp, which may help restore shine and luster or even decrease hair loss. The low pH may also help in controlling scalp itch due to fungal infections.
- Vinegar can be used as a mild cleaning product, but should never be mixed with bleach as the combination could release toxic fumes.
Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar Adds Real Value
Apple cider vinegar is a time-tested product that is versatile and has a wide range of uses. It is generally safe but should be treated with care—as misuse can lead to injury or unintentional damage.
When used appropriately, apple cider vinegar is a mild, all-natural product that can enhance your life and health, and add flavor to your meals. It’s so versatile that you can probably think of five things you can use it for tonight. What will you try first?