Why You Should Take Yourself on a Solo Date
When done right, dating is a rich and fulfilling activity that can help you expand your world. Taking yourself on a solo date can help you learn more about what makes you happy so you can enjoy life more. Solo dates can also help you maximize your success at dating and in the larger game of life.
Going on a solo date can help you take stock of yourself and your life. It’s so easy to get preoccupied with caring for other people that we forget to care for ourselves. You can find out what’s missing in your life, and what could be better, by taking yourself on a solo date.
Keep reading to discover how solo dating can help you discover the pathway to a more prosperous and meaningful life.
- What is a Solo Date?
- Why is Self-Care Important?
- Solo Dating Makes You a Better Person
- Solo Date Ideas
What is a Solo Date?
A solo date is when you plan and schedule an activity in advance that is all about you. You intend to do something rewarding for yourself without taking anyone else’s needs into consideration. At first glance, this may sound narcissistic or selfish. The reality is quite the opposite. While a solo date can be an opportunity for indulgence and relaxation, a more profound meaning is involved.
A healthy life includes other people, and it’s essential to be considerate of the needs and wants of others. Those same people should be concerned about you and your wants and needs. You can be a good friend by caring for their wants and needs, but how can they be a good friend if you don’t know what you really want or need?
A solo date is an adventure. It explores the deeper internal world of who you really are and what you want out of life.
Even if you are in a relationship, there is a lot to be gained by taking yourself out. Going on a solo date can teach you how to love yourself in a relationship.
Why is Self-Care Important?
You can learn how to practice self-love by taking yourself on solo dates. The point of dating is to make a romantic connection with another human being. Before this is possible, you need to understand yourself fundamentally. Only then will you be able to communicate effectively with others. Discovering more about yourself on a date is challenging, especially if you are trying to make a good impression. So why not take yourself out? You’re guaranteed to be with someone compatible.
Solo dates will help you dive deeply into your likes and dislikes. Maybe you like fine art, pottery, or collecting? Discover how much deeper you can go when you don’t have to worry about having someone else coming along for the ride.
Dating apps have a bad reputation, and in many cases, it is deserved. When you are ready to go out on a date with another person, look for activity groups instead of dating apps. Is there a skill you’ve always wanted to learn? You can practice spiritual self-care by exploring your beliefs at a spiritual location or in the comfort of your home. You could join a public speaking group like Toastmasters, sign up for a pottery or cooking class, or join a hiking club. If you’re really adventuresome, you could even try rock climbing! Do any of these activities sound fun? If you go out intending to learn something new and have fun, you’re almost guaranteed to have a good time. The more time you spend by yourself, carefully exploring your needs, the more you will know how to love yourself.
Solo Dating Makes You a Better Person
So what does all this have to do with dating other people? Getting to know yourself better will make you more confident and assertive. These traits will make you a better friend and more likable to others. When you know what you like and are confident, others will find you more attractive.
Solo dating will also expand your horizons. You’ll meet new people and discover new interests; along the way, you will expand your social circles. As you get to know yourself better, you will also increase the quality of the time you spend by yourself.

You will meet people organically as you explore these new social circles in real life and online. Many of these people will have common interests and pursuits. Online dating is the antithesis of organic. Everyone is on their best behavior, looking out for scams, and doing their best to hide their dirty laundry.
The best relationships happen when you meet through friends and family. You may have heard people are meeting their partners online. Did you know that most of these connections do not come from dating apps? They’re still meeting people through their friends and family, they’re just making these connections online.
The people we spend most of our time with online are our friends and family. It’s even easier to use your friends and family to expand your social circle online than in real life. All you have to do is be active and engaged.
Solo Date Ideas
So, what do you want to do? If this question stumps or scares you, there’s no need to be alarmed. I have several great ideas you can try to help jump-start your quest to discover your authentic self.
A dinner and a movie are the most common dates, so it’s a good place to start when looking for ideas. Learning how to be comfortable by yourself in public is a valuable skill. Practice will teach you to feel more confident and secure in yourself and your choices.
Going hiking or to a museum or cultural event is another way to break the ice with solo dating. These activities can enrich your mind and body, and when you are alone, you can confidently explore yourself simultaneously.
Consider coming up with a list of self-care ideas that you would enjoy. Signing up for a class or joining a hobby group can be a good solo date. There are probably a lot of parks near you that you haven’t explored, and most cities have memorials and plaques to commemorate important places and events. Take yourself out and discover more about the place you live. The important part is that you plan the activity to be about you, not others.
Solo dates can consist of self-care activities that make you a better person while having fun.
Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have. I recommend taking time out on a regular basis to reconnect with your authentic self. Find a time in the next two weeks when there is room in your schedule, and plan to take yourself out. If you enjoy yourself, do it again.