What You Need to Know About Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
There’s good news about your prostate. It’s easier than ever to keep yourself healthy and clean and protect yourself from the big C.
Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among men. In the past, prostate screening was often uncomfortable and even a little embarrassing. New testing protocols have eliminated a lot of the discomfort. It is now easier and more effective than ever to diagnose, treat, and recover from prostate cancer.
Keep reading to find out how easy it is to protect yourself from prostate cancer and make your life richer and more rewarding.
What Is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month reminds men to get a check-up (Source: Shutterstock)
Your prostate is about the size of a walnut and sits below your bladder. The penis is used for sexual activity as well as urination, and the prostate acts like a switch so you can alternate between activities. Additionally, the prostate secretes most of the fluids contained in semen during sexual activities, so it’s vital to both functions.
We don’t know exactly what causes prostate cancer. Over the course of your lifetime, your prostate may increase in size. If the growth is improper or excessive, cancer may be the result.
Prostate cancer treatments have a high success rate if caught early. It’s also fairly easy to detect. In fact, there’s good news about screening. In the past, screening for prostate cancer involved a digital rectal exam, which was uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing. New advances have made screening less invasive and much easier. Early detection of prostate cancer can only be made with a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. No physical exam is necessary. It’s never been easier to ensure the health of your prostate.
Treatment for prostate cancer has also improved. The sooner prostate cancer is detected, the easier it is to have a full recovery with no loss of function.
Everybody wants to have the best life possible, and protecting your prostate is a big part of life satisfaction. Prostate cancer usually responds well to treatment, but surviving is only half of the story because it affects your sex life, too. Regular regular checkups and small changes can radically improve your prostate health and make you more aware of your cancer risks. and tilt the odds in your favor. If misfortune strikes you anyway, taking these steps will make it more likely for you to have a full recovery in your sex life as well.
Early Signs of Prostate Cancer
Your sexual health is important, and regular prostate checks will help ensure you can get the most out of life. Early detection of prostate cancer will also help you avoid erectile dysfunction. If you feel like something is wrong with your prostate, there are a few steps you can take right now.
The most common prostate cancer symptoms are difficulty urinating, erectile dysfunction, having a decreased flow of urine, and the presence of blood in your urine or semen. Bone pain and an unexpected weight loss are also warning signs for many types of cancer, including prostate.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer? | Cancer Research UK
Risk factors for prostate cancer increase as you get older. Being obese or related to someone who has had prostate cancer also increases your risk profile. Having one or more STDs will also increase your risk, and race can also play a part. For example, the Black population is at a higher risk than Asians, Europeans, and Native Americans.
As you get older, it’s best to talk about the health of your prostate with your doctor each year at your annual checkup. Patient awareness is the most important part of prevention. Most men should start getting PSA tests to check for prostate cancer at the age of 55. Consider asking your doctor to start early if you have one or more risk factors. In extreme cases, you may even want to start at the age of 40.
Prostate Cancer Survival Rate
You can also reduce your risk of prostate cancer by having more sex. You heard me right. It has been noted that regular ejaculation can possibly help keep the prostate healthy, so review your frequency of sex and masturbation. Men who ejaculate 21 times a month can decrease their risk of prostate cancer by a whopping 31%, so it’s something to take seriously. These data hold up to serious scrutiny of other lifestyle factors like exercise, weight, and age.
Physical inactivity is one of the risk factors for prostate cancer, so it’s in your best interest to get more exercise. Losing weight, avoiding certain foods, and improving your sleep habits will also help protect your prostate.
Additionally, it’s important to protect yourself when engaging in sexual activity with new or multiple partners. Unprotected sex increases your chances of getting an STD, increasing your risk profile for cancer and other serious health effects. So, commit to always using protection and being open and honest with your sexual partners.
Prostate cancer has a high survival rate when caught sooner rather than later. When it is spotted in the earliest stages, the five-year survival rate is greater than 99%. The later stages and more aggressive forms of the disease can have a five-year survival rate as low as 32%. Catching prostate cancer early is vital to ensuring your best chances at a full recovery.
Make sure you do everything you can to learn how to keep your prostate healthy.
Learn More During Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
You can help spread awareness by observing Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and wearing a prostate cancer ribbon. Protect yourself and others by getting involved.
Your family and friends need you. As men develop deeper and stronger relationships with their children and extended families, sticking around is more rewarding for everyone.
Prostate cancer usually strikes later in life, so younger men don’t always give it the attention it deserves. I recommend you take action right now to protect your sexual health and prostate. Commit to taking the first step today and schedule an appointment with your doctor to ensure you are doing all you can to protect your prostate. Your sex life will thank you.