Magnesium Bisglycinate vs Glycinate: What to Know
People everywhere are talking about magnesium bisglycinate and glycinate. It’s trending on social media and creating a buzz in young and old alike. So what’s the big deal?
Magnesium is crucial to biological processes. From nerve signals to muscle growth, magnesium is vital, and half of the population may be deficient in their magnesium intake. The recommended daily allowance for magnesium is about 400 mg, and if you’re not getting enough, it could be impacting your health in surprising ways. Did you know that magnesium has even been used to treat insomnia? So it’s easy to see why so many people are wondering if a magnesium supplement could be right for them. Keep reading to find out how magnesium glycinate benefits could enhance your life.
What is Magnesium Glycinate Good For?

What are the benefits of taking Magnesium Bisglycinate vs Glycinate? Read more (Source: Shutterstock)
Getting enough magnesium is critical to your health and well-being. There are 11 popular forms of magnesium and literally hundreds of formulations, so it can get confusing. The noise around magnesium glycinate and magnesium bisglycinate is just that: noise. There is no difference between the two except the name. The hype and noise are there because magnesium is so important, and the form of magnesium you take can make all the difference.
Magnesium is a common ingredient in many diets and even tap water, but the concentration is highly variable, making it hard to know if you’re getting enough.
The good news is that it’s hard to get too much magnesium. If you accidentally take too much, it can’t hurt you in any significant way. The worst it can do is give you a stomach ache or loosen your bowels, so be careful, but don’t sweat it. If you do experience adverse effects from taking magnesium, talk to your doctor to find the right dose for you.
Most people will benefit from magnesium supplementation, but what amount is right for you? Some studies say as much as 420 mg per day is the ideal dose for optimal health.
Everything you need to know about Magnesium Glycinate in 30 seconds – PureLabVitamins
Magnesium is used in just about every part of the body. From bone mineralization to proper nerve conduction, magnesium is involved in most metabolic processes. Magnesium is also in most of the foods we eat. Even drinking water has magnesium, although the concentration can swing from 1 mg per liter all the way to 120 mg per liter.
Magnesium glycinate is among the best sources of bioavailable magnesium.
What is Bisglycinate Magnesium?
The main problem with dietary sources of magnesium is absorption. Most of the magnesium you eat with your food is not soluble in water, so very little of it makes it into the body. Because of its importance to metabolic processes, most people should take a supplement.
Magnesium glycinate, or magnesium bisglycinate, is one of the formulations of magnesium that is most easily absorbed by the body. There are 11 common magnesium supplements, and several of them have specialized uses. Magnesium oxide is primarily prescribed to improve gut health. If you are magnesium deficient, you should pick a different supplement because it does not absorb well. Magnesium is also found in Epsom salts, flow agents, and laxatives, and these forms do not absorb well. Be careful, though. If you see magnesium stearate, magnesium sulfate, or magnesium oxide on your label, you should not take it if you need magnesium.
- Magnesium citrate is a popular option, but it has some side effects. It does absorb well, but it has an astringent taste that can be off-putting for some people. And if you’re prone to stomach upset, you may want to avoid magnesium citrate because it is acidic.
- Magnesium threonate is more expensive than other forms of magnesium, but clinical trials indicate it may be absorbed better in the brain. If you are taking magnesium for mental health or sleep-related reasons, magnesium threonate may give you an added kick.
Both magnesium and glycine have a demonstrated clinical benefit for sleep. Not only will they both help you fall asleep faster, they will help you get the deep rest you need to function at your best. If you have sleep problems, you should know when to take magnesium glycinate to help you get better sleep. Most doctors recommend you take it within an hour of going to bed for best results.
Taking a Magnesium Bisglycinate Supplement
If you get a blood test for magnesium, your doctor can tell you how much magnesium is in your blood. But this is only part of the story. Your blood holds only about 1% of the magnesium in your body, so if you’re magnesium deficient, a blood test may not be reliable. You may need to get several blood tests over the course of a few months to get an accurate picture of your magnesium levels.
Another option is just to take a magnesium supplement for 30 days. Track your health before you start taking magnesium and over the course of your 30-day trial. If you notice improvements, it indicates you were not getting enough magnesium. This is what I recommend because it’s hard to get too much magnesium, and it’s cheap, safe, and easy to come by.
For some people, magnesium supplementation can seem like a wonder drug. People who are chronically deficient in magnesium can exhibit a wide range of debilitating symptoms. Unless their condition is accurately diagnosed, it may seem permanent and incurable.
One common example of magnesium deficiency shows up in mental health. If you’re not getting enough magnesium, you may become depressed and not respond to antidepressants. In many cases, treatment-resistant depression has cleared up through the simple addition of an easily absorbed magnesium supplement.
Magnesium is also necessary for proper bone health and can help ‌prevent osteoporosis. It’s vital for stomach acid production, energy metabolism, protein synthesis, fetal and child growth, and the proper function of nerves and neurotransmitter production.
This article only scratches the surface of how magnesium is used in the body. It’s quite likely that more uses of magnesium will be discovered in the future.
Final Thoughts: Magnesium Bisglycinate vs Glycinate
Magnesium supplements are safe, cheap, and easy to come by. A deficiency in magnesium will impact your health and can make your life miserable, so supplementation is a no-brainer. I take magnesium as part of a larger set of vitamins for stress, general health, and energy.
I recommend you consider taking a magnesium supplement for a month and see if it produces benefits. If you’re already taking one, make sure it’s the right kind for you and that you’re getting enough.